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About Bianca

Bianca Brasil is a licensed acupuncture doctor by the World Federation Of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), specialist in advanced Chinese herbal medicine by the Institutes Tai Ling and Tao das Ervas. She is a Ph. D. student in Health Sciences at the Paulista Medical School at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). She is a Registered Nurse with specializations in Psychiatry, Community Health, Family Health and and Higher Education. 
She is the Clinical and Education Director at the Bianca Brasil Institute, where she develops and ministrates courses and does in person and distant healthcare consultations and treatments to students and patients all over the world in Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian and Japanese. 
Bianca Brasil, with more than twenty four years of experience, has developed her own methods of psychotherapy, life coaching and ultimate weight loss.

The Bianca Brasil Institute

The Bianca Brasil Institute is a nucleus of courses and healthcare services with the mission of promoting integral health and ultimate weight loss. All of our work is fundamented on Chinese Medicine and the most up-to-date medical research. 

The Bianca Brasil Institute offers distant learning and in person and distant healthcare. our ultimate goal is to promote and provide our clients with the necessary information and abilities to understand and take care of their mental, emotional and physical health in a practical and efficient way.  


I had been searching for a solution to a very serious bladder problem I had for many years, it was damaging the quality of my life. From the very first consultation with Dr. Bianca Brasil, I realized her treatment was different in many ways - she is very humane, friendly and ethical, and also has extraordinary knowledge of Chinese Medicine. I felt an important improvement right after the first visit! Recently, she solicited a specific imaging exam that so far no doctor had asked me for (after seeing more than 6 different doctors) and we got a new diagnosis that was absolutely fundamental for the treatment and my hopes and trust on Dr. Bianca grow by the day! I have no words to express my gratitude for all she has done for me.

It had never crossed my mind I would be the kind of person who needed acupuncture and Chinese herbs, and more so therapy! The first time I laid down on the litter/stretcher in Dr. Bianca's office, as soon as she touched a Liver point on my foot, my whole body "screamed". From that exact moment we were able to identify a huge problem I wasn´t aware of. While we treated physical problems with acupuncture and herbs, I started a great journey on self-knowledge. The treatment is whole: physical, mental and emotional. Dr. Bianca is an excellent professional, extremely qualified and these are the reasons why I tell people to consult with her, even those who do not believe they need such kind of treatment.  

Bianca is my daughter. I have always seen her as a she-warrior, hardworking and very studious. Actually, I've always thought she studied "way too much". All these years I have seen her progress and success, but I personally am terrified at needles. She has always offered to treat me, but I never allowed her to do acupuncture on me because I truly believed it should be very painful. Until one day I had an intense back pain that no doctor or medicine could solve. The pain was so scrutiating that I would rather face the needles than continuing like that. To my surprise I didn'´t even feel the pinch! It took me one single session to get rid of that pain and move my body normally again. Do not avoid acupuncture for fear, in her hands you won'´t feel a thing and will surely find the solution to your problem.